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DockerCon Review: Smaller, Secure Surfaces

Containerization isn't a fix-all for security. The software supply chain must be transparent, robust and continuously maintained. The attack surface should be kept as small and inaccessible as possible.

Storage in an Kubernetes Cluster.

A walkthrough guide to using the internal Storage Cluster.

Accessing an AWS Kubernetes Cluster.

A walkthrough guide to using our remote Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster.

Connecting to an AWS Kubernetes Cluster.

A walkthrough guide to accessing your company's remote Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster.

HashiCorp's Vault

At Staple, we recently realized that we’ve passed the make it work and make it work well stages, and have now reached make sure it never stops working. Part of this involves implementing a proper Key Management System, to prevent our various secrets from leaking all over the internet. We chose Vault.

Brittle File I/O

Today I spent about two minutes writing a little python batch processor, and then another ten wondering why it suddenly stopped working. It was a good reminder that platform-independence is hard to come by, no matter how high-level and abstract the language.

Getting the Closest Prior from a list

Sometimes I'll spend half an hour coming up with a complex, elegant solution to a problem, then instantly be hit by a simple fix that makes all that work worthless.

Converting Lift code to Cyclo Static Dataflow Graphs

One of the biggest problems for new progrmming languages is to get them to run well across different platforms. In my Capstone project, I explore one way of doing that for Lift, a new ML-targeted language by converting programs into Cyclo Static Dataflow Graphs. These graphs can then be analyzed and improved for execution efficiency.


A very klutchy minesweeper, that nonetheless works.

Map of Disasters and Conflicts around the Globe.

An interactive map of recent disasters and conflicts around the world.


A basic version of the famous Atari pong, in less than 200 lines of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Simpler Topic Modelling with Reddit News

During my last bout with insomnia I decided I wanted to get a bit more familiar with python’s regex, pandas and PRAW Reddit API all at the same time. This turned into an exploratory saga into topic modelling, a fascinating subset of natural language processing that uncovers common topics within text data. As a random mini-task, I’d decided to try mining new r/news posts to find current popular topics, then return matching articles.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Study

In this work, we investigate current methods for Continuous Glucose Monitoring and their accuracy, in order to develop a framework for better reporting and data collection as well as prediction. Additional investigation is done into the use of Blood or Interstitial Glucose as a predictor of general health.